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find a part time job as a tutor (1人在浏览)


I am free at night after 6:30 to 9:00
And I would like to find a part time job as a tutor in order to make extra money in the evening.
I have past the CET-6,now works in a trading company at the daytime.
If any one want a family teacher ,you can call me by: 13025661548
QUOTE(轻风拂乱 @ 2008年03月05日 Wednesday, 06:06 PM)
I am free at night after 6:30 to 9:00
And I would like to find a part time job as a tutor in order to make extra money in the evening.
I have past the CET-6,now works in a trading company at the daytime.
If any one want a family teacher ,you can call me by: 13025661548

Good luck for your part time job hunting!
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年03月28日 Friday, 10:07 AM)
there is no use learning english, one of my stuhents said.

It depends where you at and what you do. Maybe it's true for some people.
This is only one of your students said so, what about the rest of your students.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2008年03月29日 Saturday, 05:20 AM)
It depends where you at and what you do. Maybe it's true for some people.
This is only one of your students said so, what about the rest of your students.

theoretically, you are correct. teachers must be reponsible for every student. in fact, however, that is unfair for the mojority. you can not pay too much attention to this special guy and neglect the others' interest.
faced this case, i think most teacher would ignore them and continue their lessons.
you know we can not gain fish meat and bear hands at the same time.
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年03月29日 Saturday, 02:28 PM)
theoretically, you are correct. teachers must be reponsible for every student. in fact, however, that is unfair for the mojority. you can not pay too much attention to this special guy and neglect the others' interest.
faced this case, i think most teacher would ignore them and continue their lessons.
you know we can not gain fish meat and bear hands at the same time.

Well, I think education is a two-way job. If one side completely shuts down, the other couldn't do very much about it. Besides for that, I think students, apart from absorbing knowledge in the high school, also need to learn to be responsible for their choices and live with what comes out. I think if one day they thought English, or whatever language it is, useful, they would pick up, as the cliche says it's better to be late than never.
QUOTE(mask @ 2008年03月29日 Saturday, 07:15 PM)
Well, I think education is a two-way job. If one side completely shuts down, the other couldn't do very much about it. Besides for that, I think students, apart from absorbing knowledge in the high school, also need to learn to be responsible for their choices and live with what comes out. I think if one day they thought English, or whatever language it is, useful, they would pick up, as the cliche says it's better to be late than never.

absolutely agree with what you said. as a matter of fact, now english learning is suffering a hard time in our Dianbai county. so i envy your pure english. can you share your experience on english learning?
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年03月30日 Sunday, 01:37 AM)
absolutely agree with what you said. as a matter of fact, now english learning is suffering a hard time in our Dianbai county. so i envy your pure english. can you share your experience on english learning?

Well, I don't know tricks to learn any faster than anyone else does, but assiduity always works out pretty well. I'm sorry to hear that in our hometown teachers are having a hard time to teach English as well as students to learn. I believe some may still want to learn. That is hope and hope is a good thing.
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年04月08日 Tuesday, 11:10 PM)
god bless our students!

Are you teaching English?
Wow~~~~no matter how i mask my true status, eventually exposed by you.
i confess you are right.
i have always been considering my english is too bad.
what fun! you know what i said.
thank you.
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年04月09日 Wednesday, 04:15 PM)
Wow~~~~no matter how i mask my true status, eventually exposed by you.
i confess you are right.
i have always been considering my english is too bad.
what fun! you know what i said.
thank you.

er~~~~~ just a wild guess...... not supernatural stuff...
nice to meet you here...
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年04月09日 Wednesday, 04:15 PM)
Wow~~~~no matter how i mask my true status, eventually exposed by you.
i confess you are right.
i have always been considering my english is too bad.
what fun! you know what i said.
thank you.

Ah.....ah......... There is no way you can mask your true status in front of Mask (one of our leads). He can see you from inside of the mask because he is the mask. So be yourself and the real you! Welcome to the corner!!
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2008年04月10日 Thursday, 06:11 AM)
Ah.....ah......... There is no way you can mask your true status in front of Mask (one of our leads). He can see you from inside of the mask because he is the mask. So be yourself and the real you! Welcome to the corner!!

i like this forum o668.cc, because i can learn more information( though some of which are nonsense). i suppose some leads in this forum are quite successful like BEE and Mask. l envy you both. nice to meet you!
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年04月10日 Thursday, 08:24 PM)
i like this forum o668.cc, because i can learn more information( though some of which are nonsense). i suppose some leads in this forum are quite successful like BEE and Mask. l envy you both. nice to meet you!

i am only a senior college student.. i think bee really has a quite successful career..
QUOTE(mask @ 2008年04月10日 Thursday, 11:26 PM)
i am only a senior college student.. i think bee really has a quite successful career..


Thanks for the praise! I am not there yet even I am happy what I am doing now.
By checking the definition of successful in the internet, successful is defined as: having your favorable outcome, having obtained something that you desired or intended, and having achieved wealth or eminence that you want.
I think different people will have a different point of views in term of "successful". There is no standard measurement. I think the most important is contentment. To some people, it might be a simple, healthy, and living comfort with loving family. To others, successful means achieving their ambitions, obtain money and power as much as possible. So to MasK, I think you are also successful as of now comparing to a lot of people. As a college student, successful can be do well for all classes (good scores and eager to learn) and live happily, always have a positive outlook on the future and be confident whatever you do.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2008年04月11日 Friday, 04:05 AM)
Thanks for the praise! I am not there yet even I am happy what I am doing now.
By checking the definition of successful in the internet, successful is defined as: having your favorable outcome, having obtained something that you desired or intended, and having achieved wealth or eminence that you want.
I think different people will have a different point of views in term of "successful". There is no standard measurement. I think the most important is contentment. To some people, it might be a simple, healthy, and living comfort with loving family. To others, successful means achieving their ambitions, obtain money and power as much as possible. So to MasK, I think you are also successful as of now comparing to a lot of people. As a college student, successful can be do well for all classes (good scores and eager to learn) and live happily, always have a positive outlook on the future and be confident whatever you do.

I look forward to graduate study on comparative literature,
especially on poetry.
sometimes there's other boring stuff,
very busy,
but basically it's a happy and rewarding academic life
I think that counts. I'm a good student.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2008年04月11日 Friday, 04:05 AM)
Thanks for the praise! I am not there yet even I am happy what I am doing now.
By checking the definition of successful in the internet, successful is defined as: having your favorable outcome, having obtained something that you desired or intended, and having achieved wealth or eminence that you want.
I think different people will have a different point of views in term of "successful". There is no standard measurement. I think the most important is contentment. To some people, it might be a simple, healthy, and living comfort with loving family. To others, successful means achieving their ambitions, obtain money and power as much as possible. So to MasK, I think you are also successful as of now comparing to a lot of people. As a college student, successful can be do well for all classes (good scores and eager to learn) and live happily, always have a positive outlook on the future and be confident whatever you do.

every body knows BEE is very hardworking. i can imagine now you are leading a happy life.
QUOTE(百年大计 教育为本 @ 2008年04月12日 Saturday, 01:51 AM)
every body knows BEE is very hardworking. i can imagine now you are leading a happy life.

Yes, hardworking is one of my (BEE's) characteristics. Life is what you make of it. Everyone can have a happy life. It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, succeed or fail.
me too
i hope i can fing a job in this holiday
thankyou so much
today the manager say that i should go there next monday
i hope i can
good for you... go grasp it...

