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welcome to Canada (2人在浏览)


Moving to a new country takes courage and we are glad you chose Canada. You have embarked on a new beginning that creates exciting opportunities. Your first year in Canada will be emotional and full of change. Taking the time to learn what to expect C and what Canadians expect of you C will help you succeed.

This guide gives you an idea of what it’s like to live in Canada. It describes your rights and responsibilities as a permanent Canadian resident and as a Canadian citizen.

Canadian society and Canadian values may be different from what you are used to; some cultural practices in Canada may seem strange by the standards of your culture of origin. At the same time, some cultural practices in your country of origin may be considered unacceptable in Canada.

As a new arrival in Canada, speaking one of our official languages will help you adapt more easily. Each day is an opportunity to learn! Get a job. Get involved in your neighbourhood. Canadians believe in taking responsibility for creating the kind of community they want to live in. As you get used to life in Canada, ask questions about anything you don’t understand. No matter what city or town you live in, you will find people who can help you adapt to your new life and fit into Canadian society.

In the weeks, months and years ahead, you will have many opportunities to participate fully in Canadian life. Take them. You and your family can grow together, side by side with other Canadians, and make a better life for everyone. This is your new home.

The Welcome to Canada guidebook will also tell you who to contact if you need help or more information. You may have already received general information about your new country. These pages can help you find specific information about such things as language classes and housing, and how to find a job and schools for your children in Canada. While we can’t provide you with all the information you need, we may be able to refer you to the departments, agencies and organizations that can help you directly or refer you to another source of information.

Immigrant-serving organizations can also help you settle into Canadian society, and many of their services are free. Contact an immigrant-serving organization to see which services it provides. You can find a list of them on the Services for Newcomers page of the Citizenship and Immigration website at www.servicesfornewcomers.cic.gc.ca.

We hope this guide will help you adapt to your new life. We wish you every happiness and success.

Welcome to Canada!

