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Should students use mobile phones~ (1人在浏览)


In the 21st century the mobile phone is one of the most useful modem tools .People can use it to get in touch with each other . The world is becoming smaller and smaller since mobile phones are wildly used .Now it has become the closest friend of people .In many schools , some students also have mobile phones and they often use them at shool. But personally I don't think it's good for student's study.
One of the reasons is that many students like playing games and in most mobile phones there are many games to play . If a student has a mobile phone,maybe he will waste a lot of time playing games on the mobile phone , which will affect his study very much . Besides , mobile phones can be used to chat with others
by sending massages , so some students may use it to chat with others while he should be studing .So if a student often plays with his mobile phone , he will lose his interest in study soon and waste a lot of time on it .
Another important reason is that if a student always plays games or chat by mobile phone for a long time , it will do harm to his or her eyes .
The third reason is that a mobile phone wille cost a lot of money and our parents can not make money easily . Many students are not careful enough so they often lose mobile phones when doing sports , which is a large loss .
The last is that if a student has a mobile phone , his classmates will envy him . This may cause oher students to ask their parents to buy one for them without thinking of his parents' ability to afford such a dear tool. It is a bad phenomenon .
In a word ,in my opinion , it is not necessary for students to use mobile phones, especially at school . If he or she really needs to make a call ,an IC card is enough to do it .
this is a student 's article .
but in my opinion , a student have a mobile phone is a good thing .because the parents can find you on time .
Nobody will oppose you if you use it properly........
We should consider which kind of students the topic pointing at.
Most of the university students are armed with cell phones. To me, a university student, cell phones provide many conveniences. Official stuff, professors, classmates, friends, etc. will contact me for various things. The easiest and most convenient approach is resorting to cell phones. Moreover, they'd like to send me messages to get me informed. Only if there is something very important will they call me, absolutely, with cell phones. Supposed I hadn't had a cell phone, they would have to dial my telephone number of my dorm. What the hell if I'm out? The cell phone is necessary to me. Of course, there are students who are without cell phones. But I think they also long for the conveniences.
To the middle school students, I think it depends on the student's ability to control himself. As more and more functions are included into the cell phones, those of entertainments are very fascinated. If the student can use it properly, it's Ok; if not, it causes many problems.
Every coin has two sides. Cell phones are always giving out radiation which is endangering our healths. So we'd better read some relevant articles and obey the suggestions from the scientists.
I agree that.......
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年07月31日 Sunday, 10:54 PM)
We should consider which kind of students the topic pointing at.
Most of the university students are armed with cell phones. To me, a university student, cell phones provide many conveniences. Official stuff, professors, classmates, friends, etc. will contact me for various things. The easiest and most convenient approach is resorting to cell phones. Moreover, they'd like to send me messages to get me informed. Only if there is something very important will they call me, absolutely, with cell phones. Supposed I hadn't had a cell phone, they would have to dial my telephone number of my dorm. What the hell if I'm out? The cell phone is necessary to me. Of course, there are students who are without cell phones. But I think they also long for the conveniences.
To the middle school students, I think it depends on the student's ability to control himself. As more and more functions are included into the cell phones, those of entertainments are very fascinated. If the student can use it properly, it's Ok; if not, it causes many problems.
Every coin has two sides. Cell phones are always giving out radiation which is endangering our healths. So we'd better read some relevant articles and obey the suggestions from the scientists.

Very good analysis! It depends on which students. I think it's necessary for college student to have a mobile phone. This will make their life much easier. A mobile phone is already part of their daily life. It's a tool they can't go anywhere without it. I will feel I lose something when I go out without a cell phone.
As for middle school and high school students, I don't think it's necessary for them to have a mobile phone. Their main job is study. The place where they should be all the time are either home or school. I don't recommend they hang out on the street most of the time. Why do they need a cell phone? Do they have more important person to contact than their study? But in reality, some parents provide mobile phones for their children because they want to easy to find them and know them where they are. They are more worry their children's safety than care for the costs of the phone and the time that their children spend time on the phone!
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2005年08月04日 Thursday, 02:58 PM)
Very good analysis! It depends on which students. I think it's necessary for college student to have a mobile phone. This will make their life much easier. A mobile phone is already part of their daily life. It's a tool they can't go anywhere without it. I will feel I lose something when I go out without a cell phone.
As for middle school and high school students, I don't think it's necessary for them to have a mobile phone. Their main job is study. The place where they should be all the time are either home or school. I don't recommend they hang out on the street most of the time. Why do they need a cell phone? Do they have more important person to contact than their study? But in reality, some parents provide mobile phones for their children because they want to easy to find them and know them where they are. They are more worry their children's safety than care for the costs of the phone and the time that their children spend time on the phone!

Yeah, from the reports from BBS and ATV, the middle school students are often threatened through several ways. Among them, mobile phone is the most frequently-using approach. This issue badly influences the metal health of the youth.
QUOTE(ViVi慧@妹 @ 2005年08月15日 Monday, 12:37 PM)

Including me?
I have a cell phone.
Because I am a university student.
QUOTE(pink @ 2005年08月16日 Tuesday, 02:04 PM)
I have a cell phone.
Because I am a university student.

You have a cell phone not because you are an university student. You have a cell phone because you need it as an university student. There is not a must for every university student to have a cell phone.
oh~~my mother buy it to me ,but I think I not need it.
Your mom is the best! Be a good girl, don't waste your mom's money if you don't need it.
I'm in college now,and I also own a cell phone like many others.
I think it make things convenience in all aspects of my live.
Should students use mobile phones?
Talk about such shit?
R u kiding?haha
Ten or even twenty years ago,
your topic maight be 'Should students use telphones?'
or 'Should students watch TV?'
Time have proved that all that were fake questions.
Using cell phone or not?
Depends only on yourself,
people invented and buy such device just 4 benefit form it,
so,if u think that's good 4u,go and get one.
Or,fine ,just deny it.
Nobody elses have the right to comment
about your own business.
QUOTE(澄波街鸣记 @ 2005年08月19日 Friday, 08:55 PM)
Should students use mobile phones?
Talk about such shit?
R u kiding?haha
Ten or even twenty years ago,
your topic maight be 'Should students use telphones?'
or 'Should students watch TV?'
Time have proved that all that were fake questions.
Using cell phone or not?
Depends only on yourself,
people invented and buy such device just 4 benefit form it,
so,if u think that's good 4u,go and get one.
Or,fine ,just deny it.
Nobody elses have the right to comment
about your own business.

Maybe you were talking about own a cell phone in general. But she was talking about "STDENTS". She was concern about the costs to their parents and cell phone might affect their study. Please take consideration of those (high school) students who are not financial independent. So having a cell phone is questionable. If you are talking about own a cell phone in general, yes, it's non of anyone's business. you need a cell phone to improve the quality of life and make thing convenience and easier.
I have a cell phone,too.

But I am a worker.

I not ageer student using cell phone


I have many classmates have mobile phone . But I don't agree that . We're students .
QUOTE(淡蓝的晴 @ 2005年08月21日 Sunday, 03:16 PM)
I have a cell phone,too.

But I am a worker.

I not ageer student using cell phone



If you have income and there is a need, you should a cell phone.
There is some problem on your last sentence. I think everyone can use a cell phone. To own a cell is difference from use a cell phone. I know what you meant. If you don't mind, let me revise it.
You can say, "I think students shoudn't have a cell phone" or "I don't agree with students to have a cell phone".
Hope you can come here often.......
QUOTE(淡蓝的晴 @ 2005年08月21日 Sunday, 03:16 PM)
I have a cell phone,too.

But I am a worker.

I not ageer student using cell phone



Besides Bee's correction, if you know how to express your job, you can say I'm a ...

Hope you come here often. Being a little greedy, would you please bring some people here to join our discussions?
QUOTE(yingzi000 @ 2005年08月21日 Sunday, 05:08 PM)
I have many classmates have mobile phone . But I don't agree that . We're students .

I think you are a high school student. Right?
QUOTE(mask @ 2005年08月22日 Monday, 07:53 PM)
I think you are a high school student. Right?

i'm also a high school student and i have a mobile phone .
my classmates have it also.
but i don't agree they are have it .
because they are often use the mobile phone in the class .
long time no see,everybody
Welcome back to the English Corner! A used to a high school student in 2005 is now should have joined the workforce already or even became a boss now! How many mobile phones you have been using in the past 11 years? The cell phone is used in a high school student is no longer a big concern anymore.

