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It's not fair (1人在浏览)


There is a basketball playground in our college. On the peacetime, there are many people play basketball there. But from 7 P.M to the night. Gradually, some cars drive into the playgound, at the result, there is on space for the people to play bastketball. We have to leave the playground.
Afterwards, I know the reason, that is only for the money, Our college leaders rent the playground to a hotel.
Maybe the school leases the playground to the hotel not just for financial purpose even though it can generate some additional income, it considers the students' study and health. Since it's after 7PM, it's resting time and all students should suppose to either studying or rest in the dorm. It's not a good time play basketball. I think this is reasonable (but not the economic way).
Thanks for Bee's suggetion.
In fact , I am not good at playing bastketball at all.
I like playing badminton very much.
Probably someone do one thing always has his own reason.
Those of you who like to play basketball at the night time might be disappointed. But this can be the purpose of kill two birds with one stone.
I also like sports. I used to play tennis, basketball and volleyball. But I didn't play any sports lately. I will learn playing badminton and golf when I am not that busy.
Hehe, I also like playing volleyball.
I hope that I can I have chance to play badminton or volleyball with you when you return to China.
QUOTE(蜜蜂 @ 2006年09月22日 Friday, 01:28 AM)
Those of you who like to play basketball at the night time might be disappointed. But this can be the purpose of kill two birds with one stone.
I also like sports. I used to play tennis, basketball and volleyball. But I didn't play any sports lately. I will learn playing badminton and golf when I am not that busy.

WO !水东没有golf打!

