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IN THE END 林肯公园之震撼视听!音响开大点效果更佳~~~! (1人在浏览)


IN THE END 林肯公园之震撼视听!音响开大点效果更佳~~~!

林肯公园乐队(Linkin park)是新世纪全球超霸摇滚乐团,新金属音乐的开山领军人,美国唱片销售纪录的保持者。他们的全球唱片销量已经达到数千万张,短短三年多,写下一页又一页的显赫功绩。林肯公园乐队在2003年中推出的第二张专辑《流星圣殿》正版CD在中国的销量已超过20万张,是当年中国引进的欧西音乐摇滚类专辑的销售冠军。
林肯公园是当今世界上最好的现场摇滚演出乐队,2003年夏天,"林肯公园"乐队首次应邀参加与金属乐队(Metallica),盲音乐队(Deftones)等重量级乐团同台演绎"夏日疗养"巡演(Summer Sanitarium Tour),轰动全球。为了让无法亲临现场的全球广大LP乐迷也能第一时间感受到这场音乐盛事的演出热力,乐队特别将在美国得克萨斯州举行的两场演出的实况,集结而成林肯公园的首张官方现场录制音频加视频专辑《德州现场》(Live In Texas)。
歌词:in the end

[it starts with]
one thing i don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind i designed this rhyme
to explain in due time
all i know

time is a valuable thing
watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
watch it count down to the end of the day
the clock ticks life away
it's so unreal

didn't look out below
watch the time go right out the window
trying to hold on but didn't even know
wasted it all just to
watch you go

i kept everything inside and even though
i tried it all fell apart
what it meant to me will eventually be
a memory of a time when i tried so hard
i tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
i had to fall
and lose it all
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
one thing i don't know why
doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind i designed this rhyme
to explain in due time
i tried so hard

in spite of the way you were mocking me
acting like i was part of your property
remembering all the times you fought with me
i'm surprised it got so
things aren't the way they were before
you wouldn't even recognize me anymore
not that you knew me back then
but it all comes back to me

in the end
you kept everything inside and even though
i tried it all fell apart
what it meant to me will eventually be
a memory of a time when i
i tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
i had to fall
and lose it all
but in the end
it doesn't even matter

i put my trust in you
pushed as far as i can go
and for all this
there's only one thing you should know

