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  1. 蜜蜂

    Happy New Year, welcome 2017

    May 2017 be filled with good health and happiness! 来几张最近影的雪景 :tongue2:
  2. 蜜蜂

    管理T封掉 “eekoppelpenni"

  3. 蜜蜂


    【前线分享】 背完这444句英语,你的英语口语不成问题了 1. I see.我明白了 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too.我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on.戆(s快) 8. Hold on.等一等。 9. I agree。我同意。 10. Not bad.不e。 11. Not yet.]。 12. See you.再。 13. Shut up! ]嘴! 14. So long.再。 15. Why not? 好呀! (槭颤N不呢?) 16. Allow me.我怼 17...
  4. 蜜蜂

    Dead candidates win elections

    It's hard to believe people were still running for public officials at such a high age, and they could still win the position even they are dead. Dead candidates win elections in Florida, Alabama 7 hr ago| By Barbara Liston and Verna Gates The two apparently died of natural causes, which...
  5. 蜜蜂

    A video clip that touched my heart

    Fatherhood is a tough Job! Anyone agree? 板车哥严家满《完美释放》 http://www.56.com/u47/v_Njk4MjM2MzY.html
  6. 蜜蜂


    These two users posted 垃圾贴。 一天465贴。 [attachmentid=297409]
  7. 蜜蜂

    Learning English words

    Found this from someone's Facebook. 等@小子背完@些巫郑全家都死光了!! [attachmentid=295917]
  8. 蜜蜂

    Post No Bills

    For those of who out there try to post any lotto, lottery or porn ads, please stop thinking post anything like that. Posting advertisements is not allowed at this corner. Whenever I see them appear on the forum, I wll delete them immediately. [attachmentid=294598]
  9. 蜜蜂

    Whitney Houston

    Whitney Houston, the greatest singer in pop music history, die yesterday at the age of 48. [attachmentid=291014] If I should stay.如果我留下来。 I would only be in Ur way.我会成为你的羁绊。 So Ill go.所以我离去。 But I know.但我知道。 Ill think of U every step of the way.我每迈出的一步都会想着你。 And I will always love U ...
  10. 蜜蜂

    <font color=red>美国S界庆祝茂名同乡会成立十周年晚会</font>

    美国S界昨晚e行盛大庆祝茂名同乡会成立十周年晚会。除了我和论坛的Strong大哥,还有来自水东,沙院,小良和七迳的电白和茂港的同乡,其它大部分人士都是来自高州的宗亲。 到会庆贺有来自中国驻三藩市领事和来自茂名市的政府官员。盛会席在加州的Oakland华埠茅丹阁举行。 [attachmentid=269968] [attachmentid=269970] [attachmentid=269969] [attachmentid=269966] [attachmentid=269967] [attachmentid=269971] [attachmentid=269972]...
  11. 蜜蜂

    Something worth to share

    Got this from an email. 信怀南著的“再看云起时”,其中提到[家有喜事七秘诀],蛮有意思的 首先,是当孩子谈婚论嫁的时候,只要是孩子自己看中的,我们就欣然接受吧!这是 Cheer-Up. 第二:是 Listen-Up. 如果子女还愿意将恋情上报,你我就该受宠若惊 ; 上帝给我们两个耳朵,从前听父母的,现在听子女的,不要晚节不保! 第三是要 Shut-Up:此乃针对第二个 Up, 当孩子上报状况,你我别往脸上贴金,把他们的照会误判为请示,所以 Listen-Up 完了,就要懂得 Shut-Up。 第四是 Dress-Up ...
  12. 蜜蜂

    China passes Japan as second-largest economy

    By DAVID BARBOZA SHANGHAI ― After three decades of spectacular growth, China passed Japan in the second quarter to become the world’s second-largest economy behind the United States, according to government figures released early Monday. The milestone, though anticipated for some time, is...
  13. 蜜蜂


    Dd碓: o聊人作品 人生何不laughing, ]上眼好好 thinking, 人生就像一幅 painting, cc滴滴如何 coloring, 看你今天怎 planning? 有人怨天尤人常 crying, 有人餐餐食熳 shopping, 有人[蛉碎gR情 playing, 有人空理想S talking; 也有人永不停步不 struggling, 像薛家燕m然百病p身令她 suffering, 但榱俗优淼拿篮 living, 依然不理手g後口仍在 paining, ^m拍±^m working, 令者 worrying, 者 touching, 都f母塾肋h最是...
  14. 蜜蜂

    Sharing something meaningful

    Sharing is caring.... > > 出生一,_始一子; > > I一,^Y一子; > > 婚姻一,折磨一子; > > 做官一,Y一子; > > 金X一,辛苦一子; > > su一,名一子; > > 看病一,痛苦一子; > > 悼~一,了Y一子; > > 淡化@些,明白一子; > > 忘了@些,快芬惠子 ! > > > 大部分人都在P注你w得高不高r,只有少部分人P心你w得累不累, > @就是友情。 > > > 再忙,也要照好自己, > 朋友 m不常M,s一直惦念。 > > > > 天r著多穿衣! > > > >...
  15. 蜜蜂

    Merry Christimas!

    Wish everyone a Merry Christimas and Happy New Year! [attachmentid=228910] [attachmentid=228911] [attachmentid=228912] [attachmentid=228913]
  16. 蜜蜂

    交流 门口的樱花。。。。

    全部是用 DV 拍的,不是专业 一个月前的。。。花还没开 [attachmentid=211603] 25日前的。。。开始出花 [attachmentid=211604] [attachmentid=211605] [attachmentid=211606] [attachmentid=211607] [attachmentid=211608]
  17. 蜜蜂

    Christmas Trees around the World and the meaning o

    Christmas Trees around the World and the meaning of The 12 Days of Christmas! [attachmentid=200552] Before the ball drops in Times Square, the Big Apple turns on its holiday charm with the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. [attachmentid=200553] The Capitol Christmas tree in Washington...
  18. 蜜蜂

    交流 高山上打高尔夫球

    本来打算上山度假滑雪,但积雪太少,后改在附近打高尔夫球。 沙漠地带,草不是很绿,但场地有点挑战。。。 [attachmentid=199734] [attachmentid=199735] [attachmentid=199736] [attachmentid=199737] [attachmentid=199738] [attachmentid=199739] [attachmentid=199740] [attachmentid=199741] [attachmentid=199742] [attachmentid=199743]...
  19. 蜜蜂

    Something to know

    少喝奶茶, 不吃烤的面包, hx充源; 白天多喝水, 晚上少喝; 一天不喝多于 杀咖啡, 少吃油多的食物; 最佳睡眠橥砩鲜c至早上六c; 晚上五c後少吃大餐, 每天喝酒不超^一杯; 不用冷水服z囊, 睡前半小r服忌立刻躺下。 睡眠不足八小r人笨, 有午睡T的人不易老。 手C池剩一格r不要打, 剩一格r射是平r的一千倍, 要得用左耳接, 用右耳直接害到大X。
  20. 蜜蜂


    地c:f金山 (三藩市)CNN 大楼T口 rg:四月二十六日上午 登f金山 (三藩市)^A人支持北京W?#092;、Q反Σ鬲分子分裂祖、lCNN卡弗蒂、邦hThL普洛西、三藩市市⑹麓骼的辱A和破谋本W?#092;}火鬟f的言行。 [attachmentid=172212] [attachmentid=172211] [attachmentid=172213] [attachmentid=172214] [attachmentid=172215] [attachmentid=172216] [attachmentid=172217]...