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  1. 05年高考的DDMM加油

    haha 死帖又复活了,加油加油~ 考好了等我们暑假回去跟我们说哦
  2. 英语时事名词

    yep,and be more serious...i think. however,this problem cant be solved in 1 day or 2. hedonism is accepted by dozens of people in the government. but just believe in our Party, gonernment and the intelligence of Chinese people.No obstacle can slow down the rate of China's revival.
  3. where is Fried Chicken?

    and i wish the great-help guy will be back soon.
  4. where is Fried Chicken?

    are u a tutor,bee? hehe,i'd love to read ur words which looks like a kind-hearted and generous guy always says to me.thx and best wishes to u~
  5. bad luck!

    give u a chinglish sentence as the answer to ur question: there is no free lunch in the world~
  6. where is Fried Chicken?

  7. 英语时事名词

    extremely useful,thanx,i will keep it.
  8. where is Fried Chicken?

    ps. To DBLOVER you shouldn't add an "s" to the end of the word "information",which our high school teacher would tell us when we were writing our articles and made such a mistake.it can be easily avoided. i'm glad to accept ur rectification to my word-spelling and grammar as well.let's improve...
  9. where is Fried Chicken?

    he used to be a student of no.1 high school,and deliver a lot of messages in that school's edition. i think it's a necessity that he emerge in the English Corner.he will be a great help here.
  10. 六一快乐啊!!

  11. where is Fried Chicken?

    as a undergraduate-coursed student whose major is English, he should have been here for a long time and become a high tutor.but i've never read his articles or remarks in the English column here. who knows his recent situation?
  12. hello

    爱蛋蛋..."come to here" should be "come here",a stupid mistake ah!
  13. c外人外出比^常用的口^Z

    thanx,i've coped all of them,really helpful~
  14. bad luck!

    bad luck ha! i wouldn't know that if i didn't enter the English Corner.i'm so sorry to hear that and be a friend who is helpless to you. your situation makes me think of my experience last term,unfortunately,i had my wallet stolen as well.at that moment i just could consider nothing but stood...
  15. 小一~~

  16. 小一~~

    小一,他是不是向你搭讪啊~ HOHO,小心咯
  17. 再发一下一中的群

  18. 再发一下一中的群

    感觉是个很有目标的人啊,可怕... 还是不知道是谁...那个"冰冰"说是姓黎的哦... 黎什么呢,介绍介绍啊
  19. 05年高考的DDMM加油
